Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

MAGIC VOICES In The Oral Cavity

One day, in the oral cavity Mr.X, there have been disputes. This fight happen because of misunderstanding between groups incisor / insisivum and group molar...

Molar : I HATE YOU... :(
Incisor : Why are you hate me ?
Molar : Because you always want to win selfish... :(
Incisor : What a win ?
Molar : When Mr. X was eating would you most first tasting dishes, while I can only remnants... :(
IncisorThat's one reason you were born later and would be placed there... :)
Molar : The most upsetting ...!!! when Saturday night arrives ..., you can socialize with your brothers from the mouth of Mrs. X while I just watch from afar... T-T

Last, canines speak to both of them... :D

Canines : DON'T BE NOISY !!!...or I'll stab you all...(angry canines)
Molar & Incisor : Oh...NOOOOOO....@#$%$#$


Dokter Gigi Gaul

sebenernya ada yang sedikit "salah" dari percakapan ini.. Molar dewasa tumbuh lebih awal dari insisif. Molar pertama tumbuh pada umur 6 tahun, dan insisif tumbuh pada umur 7 tahun..

jadi gak bisa dibilang:
"That's one reason you were born later and would be placed there... :)"

*sok Dokter Gigi Gak Penting*

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