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Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

First Aid 3.0 (Java Software)

Handling an accident or an emergency situation is something we all hope we never have to face. Even so, it's something we should all be prepared for. First Aid includes step-by-step instructions for 50 different first aid procedures. The conditions/injuries are listed in a simple alphabetically-ordered on the main screen, and these can be scrolled down very quickly.
Each procedure in First Aid is explained in a clear and concise manner, meaning you don't have to read through pages and pages of text while the victim is laying in agony. Colorful illustrations are used to provide an at-a-glance guide to some of the rescue maneuvers, which include cardiopulmonary resuscitation and cuts and scrapes first aid.
Besides offering these 50 overviews, First Aid also provides information on emergency service phone numbers for any country, details of general conduct, and a one-click call button to the emergency services.
It's worth noting that First Aid merely offers information on emergency procedures and, as its disclaimer says, it doesn't represent a substitute to a first aid course.

reviewed by James Thornton


Senin, 13 Juni 2011

Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary (Java Software)

Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary is written by medical specialists and panelists, this dictionary is intended for workers in the sector paramedic, as such were the pharmacists, physiotherapy, speech therapy, and so on.

Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary will also be very useful for medical students and practicing physicians (including resident therein). Each entry contains a basic definition, followed by a more detailed explanation or description.

Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary equipped with a feature article written for a clear and concise English without the use of technical jargon yng unnecessary. For this reason the book this dictionary will be very interesting and valuable to readers who need a medical dictionary at home.

Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary presented in MSDict electronic format by the developer. MSDict offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for olatform handheld.
This latest version includes unspecified updates on enhancements or fixes bugs.

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